Thursday, February 22, 2018

Radio Romance Epi 7-8

Back to where the episodes ended when Ji Suho asked if Song Geu Rim remembers who he was. She didn't understand much as he covered her eyes with his palm and kissed her. She was taken back and thought out of happiness, he acted weirdly. Their awkward tense conversation broke off when PD Lee Kang buzzed her mobile phone. Suho drove them back but he avoided any conversation when Geu Rim asked why did he kiss her. He was too nervous and said he will give her the answer tomorrow.

The two have a hard time sleeping in wondering how to answer and why did he do that. 
Next morning PD Lee lectures Geu Rim again and reviews her script while seeing her not paying attention much. She seems distracted with what Suho said last night so PD Lee asked if anything happened. She shrugged her shoulders and just when Suho walked into the room.
Still Suho couldn't give an proper answer to Geu Rim but responded he can't stop thinking about her. Suho decided to get a new mobile phone but he has never filled in any forms in his life before. Strangely he got Manager Kim to sign up for a new phone while he started entering Geu Rim's mobile number. 

Geu Rim was invited over for a dinner and to go through the script at Suho's house. Jason smirked that Suho is doing everything for Lady Kamikaze! Hah! Suho started a fight conversation with Geu Rim when she praised PD Lee's achievement and awards he won. One night Geu Rim's mother fainted so Suho and Geu Rim rushed her to the hospital. PD Lee and Suho suggested to have the radio program air in the hospital. It turns out to be a bit of stardom for Suho as patients, staffs and visitors were all engrossed with him asking for selfies and autographs. CEO Nam warns Suho not to do funny things as there are weird rumours circulating around. She wants him to return home only to be shot down by an question- doesn't she feel tired living this way? He feels very exhausted everyday. Writer Ra Ra Hee tries to boycott Geu Rim's script however Suho managed to memorised it in time. PD Lee steps up shouting at them and telling Geu Rim not to be a loser. Suho felt he is losing out to PD Lee in terms of defending Geu Rim in front of others. Jason asked if Suho has ever helped Geu Rim- he said yes in the elevator and even offended her. Then he tripped her at the party to gain her attention. Oh boy.... Suho really has a got a long way to learn... 


CEO Nam is annoyed with her husband again as he believes Jin Tae Ri might circulate his photos taken with the model Jung Da Seul. Suho doesn't want to have any ties or links with Tae Ri to create another scandal. Suho tells Manager Kim to handle Tae Ri since he liked her a long time ago. Tae Ri wants to have a drama filmed together with Suho for her own sake but he said he would consider. She was rather annoyed to know Suho wants to carry on the radio program because of Geu Rim. She plans a party inviting everyone including Suho and Geu Rim. Suho finally confessed to Geu Rim that he likes her. Duh-duh! Tae Ri interupted their conversation asking if Suho doesn't pity her at all. He felt she shouldn't associate too much with his mother. Geu Rim asks Jason regarding Suho and finally found out that Woo Ji Woo is his original name. She wonders why Suho treated her weirdly because she doesn't recognise him.

                          Image result for 라디오 로맨스 제7화

PD Lee informs Suho there is a patient in the hospital- avid fan of Suho, has 6 months to live- he wants Suho to fulfils her wish and make her happy for one last time. Suho pretends to stay in the hospital, working with the staff, sees Geu Rim falling sick and yet PD Lee treats her very well. He can't help but to feel jealous. Suho asks PD Lee if he likes Geu Rim to where he said yes. Oh-oh! Two men up against one radio program writer...mmm... 

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