Sunday, March 19, 2017

Views and discussion on finding jobs and unemployment.

As what people often think Australia is a place where it's easy to find jobs and settle down.
Think again, the grass is always not greener on the other side. If you ever migrate over and fail to find a job, you are on your own. Do not expect the government to give you any benefits for the next 3-6 months (unless you're on refugee status).

Finding jobs can be very difficult as taking exams in university or what not. First of all you might go through serious rounds of advertisements online via SEEK or INDEED or CAREERONE. Once you apply, it either goes through a recruiter/agent or a talent acquisition manager first. Then you might be lucky to be called up for a  chat and submit through your resume to the future company. Again one have to read about the company first, study its fact, polish up your resume and selling your skills to the interviewer. You will go through 3-4 rounds before landing the role or even worst not getting anything out of it!

Myself, I went through many series of interviews, coaching sessions to polish up the resume and writing up tons of cover letters with Key selection criteria points to tweak to the position description. When it comes to government positions- two words to describe it- forget it! It doesn't get you in even how good your resume and KSC fits into. It tends to be circulated internally or worst scenario to employ their own staff. What a waste of time spending hours perfecting your resume and CL.

If you happen to applied 50+ roles and still haven't received any response- you're not alone...I happen to apply many roles for 1 year+ and only a few came back to me. It's bloody frustrating and mentally tiring...yes I must agree with you. I feel you...

Another factor is some interviewers tend to be lengthy and some tend to be very short & precise. However one will encounter some ridiculous questions or very metamorphic questions to test your brain in how to think out of the box. Ridiculous questions can be very annoying to an extend when one try to explain their reasons, the interviewer acts smart and cuts you off saying he/she knows it. U might wonder then what's the purpose asking us to explain when he/she knows it all? Pfft! I'd rate them as poor listening and communication skills from the hiring manager. I once encountered IQ test and numerical reasoning tests even though I am not a fresh grad, neither sitting for MENSA or NASA tests and I was given like 10 minutes to finish it without using any calculators and time constraints. Of course everyone would fidget and answer most of the questions incorrectly. Let's be honest, even if the tests are meant to see how the candidate works- it is pure discrimination if one doesn't have high IQ or having problems with visualizing shapes, charts and maths questions.

Unemployment rate is very high in Australia and in other countries. Reason? Simple...for a very basic role such as administration or receptionist- the companies are  demanding too many qualifications and experience. And if a candidate happens to possess these skills, companies are either reluctant or cannot afford to pay the salary package. They will squeeze everything out of the candidates. To be honest, I have seen people who are able to talk and sell well in conversations are usually the ones to get the roles easily.
In plain words- those who are good in bull****

AND...I have to point out this important factor- for women; sometimes beauty and image are very important to score the job. It's the FACT. I have ex-colleagues who are very prettier, they are the first ones to score themselves a job even though it's not a demanding role. This is an honest role...there are many examples and cases I've seen in real life but I won't bother naming it as it boils my anger deep inside.

Let me know how you think about this topic of might think it's sometimes right or wrong.

But I am stating the facts in my personal opinion and I've seen it for all my years working in Asia and Australia.

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