Sunday, September 13, 2015

Kwon Sang Woo gears all up for Running Man mission.

Actor Kwon Sang Woo starts off his mission in SBS's Running Man variety program with 2 citizens. In the recent mission Kwon has team up with the public to complete his mission.
On 13th August, SBS Good Sunday Running Man have broadcasted the episode whereby Kwon Sang Woo and his fellow co-star Sung Dong Il appeared as the 'Legendary Detectives' and it was a special draw.

In this special episode, Kwon was seen in a 'war mission' in a bakery house. The representative of the bakery and the 'Soboro bun' where the public and the actor are to enjoy eating the buns. Viewers can see Kwon has been quite flexible and been enjoying himself in the game as it has been ages since he was last seen in variety shows. Kwon was famous for his drama roles especially in 'Stairways to Heaven' and 'Sad Love Story'. 

Big Nose Brother Ji Suk Jin was fanboying away after seeing Kwon since he's a famous actor. Suk Jin was even happier when Kwon tored his name tag and getting him as member of his team resulting him taking a selfie shot with the actor himself as a rememberance in the elevator. Fan meeting session...haha!

Everyone was impressed to see how ambitious and competitive the actor is...running around his hometown Daejeon, playing ridiculous games with the public and the RM casts therefore netizens mentioned his wife wouldn't be bored at home. In the car Sung Dong Il was asking if Kim Jong Kook is swift to which Kwon agreed saying he's fast and strong. Then he started mentioning the awkward meeting he first met Kookie at the sauna 6 years ago where the two sat there and didn't say a word after saying Hi. Jae Suk laughed his head off imagining that. 

The members were seen running around to find the special guest and saw someone dressed in mask, cap and blue striped shirt with a beautiful silhouette. Kwon walked up and asked if he can unveil the mask and was terribly shocked to see his wife was the Client X- guest of the day! He was bewildered and said he doesn't know Sohn Tae Young would turn up and kept a secret from him since a week ago. The look and expression on Kwon's face was just total flabbergasted... haha! 

However he was pleased to be invited to RM and to be fluttered again with his wife on a variety program to where she told him to stop the cheesy lines. Busted! Last but not least Jae Suk's team won the 3 gold magnifying glass. Sohn requested to have one for Kwon since he can't even recognise his own wife. Jae Suk made a mistake of mentioning the wrong name for Sung Dong Il resulting him to get annoyed. 


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