Monday, November 7, 2016

Review on Robata Monkey restaurant at Jaya One.

Last weekend my friend Mei Inn and her husband Matthew brought me to a Japanese restaurant Robata Monkey at Jaya One area. It is a long time frequented restaurant by my friends in KL. Prices are steep if you are ordering special air flown fresh seafood from Japan. Standard udon and small entrees are ranging between RM 18 to RM 25+.

Matthew decided to order a Mejina fish (Rudder fish) which the main chef will cook in 3 different ways- grilled, fresh sashimi and soup. The fish is sliced and presented beautifully on a platter along with fresh shell fishes. The scallop is then grilled on a small little brick clay portable stove. The gravy of the scallop will be cooked together with a spoonful of rice and quail egg. Taste was excellent since the scallop juice is sweet and flavorful.
Our entree was a two small little spring chicken grilled in charcoal. The little birds were small but tasty. It costs RM 25 for two small little pieces of spring chicken.

After polishing up the platter, the Mejina fish head and frames were brewed into a pot of flavorful soup of Udon noodles. The soup is clear and aromatic. Chef Raymond also gave us some miso soup topped with some Shitake mushrooms, tofu and tuna collar which brings us tongue tingling for more. For some, you might think the miso soup is a bit fishy in taste but it's delectable. Note, the white flesh of fish is definitely good and nutritious for health.

We had non stop flow of Genmaicha tea. Matthew asked if we wanted any dessert when chef Raymond asked if we wanted to try the sweet Hokkaido green grapes but they costs like RM 150 for a bunch! 

That was a bit ridiculous even with a half price, I said no. It's not necessary to waste RM 70 for a bunch of grapes when we can easily buy a bunch of Californian grapes at the local grocery store at RM 12. 

Now let's get back to the price- the Mejina fish costs RM 160 and the scallops, shellfishes costs RM 60 each.

Price: 3/5 stars
Food: 4/5 stars
Ambiance: 4/5 stars

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